Spa Business

Complexions Spa Attends Eco-Luxe Media Event in NYC

I was especially glad to speak with Glamour Magazing, TreeHugger, Organic Spa Magazine, American Salon, Spa Magazine and several other national outlets. Given our own struggles with local-media attention, I think the rate at which American businesses adopt & implement eco-friendly, energy-efficient practices will depend more upon the quality and quantity of coverage from national outlets like those at Eco-Luxe.

Re: New York International Gift Fair, Jacob Javits Center

Being good to our environment can come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes - for eco- jewelry designers, being organic doesn't mean diddly, but aggressively rethinking how their products and creations are manufactured from start (earth) to finish (box-in-hand) certainly does. And that my friends, is the fastest path towards sustainably positive change...

Follow Up To Our LEED Certification

Just checked the LEED on line web page and the status of our project looks really good. Right now we have enough points approved to reach Gold Level! We are in line to be certified for New Construction. I can't tell you how happy I will be when this is officially awarded. As soon as it is made official, we will be the first NEW Construction Gold Level Spa in the Country! Wow! I

The Heart of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success

Heart of the Pyramid Today we had another staff meeting. This time we discussed the three "blocks" of John Wooden's Pyramid of Success that are in the center. He refers to them as the Heart of the Pyramid. The first block refers to condition.  This goes well beyond physical condition.  He is referring to a good mental and moral condition.  "When you are lacking in good mental condition this disrupts the team."  I agree with

How I Plan To Spend The Small-Business Tax Break President Obama Has Proposed To Congress

Image by stevegarfield via Flickr Recently, Paul Krugman wrote in response to President Elect Barack Obama's planned tax-breaks for small businesses that First, Mr. Obama should scrap his proposal for $150 billion in business tax cuts, which would do little to help the economy. Ideally he’d scrap the proposed $150 billion payroll tax cut as well, though I’m aware that it was a campaign promise. Dr. Krugman thinks that I'll just horde

2008 Year End Wrap Up

Complexions Year End Wrap Up & What I learned Calculating year end revenue is kind of like solving a circle (given three points on it ;) After relaxing for the first day of the New Year, I went into work today, anxious to print out our month end numbers and our year end totals. I tell you, if you totally focus in on the negative tone of all the media, you would

The Power of Networking

Complexions has been open for just shy of 21 years. During this time, I have tried every form of advertising from newsletter, television, radio, newspaper print, magazines, mailings, you name it, we've tried it. When it comes right down to it, the most beneficial is the recommendation from a friend or word of mouth. Since our move into our new location I have attended many charity events and fund raisers. The exposure has been

By |September 18th, 2008|Categories: Spa Business|


I had a meeting with NYSERDA last Wednesday to submit the application and supporting documentation for the Loan Fund. It was a tremendous amount of work. At the beginning of our project we submitted an introductory application along with our bank being approved and also filling out a section of the application. Basically there are two parts to our application. The first is in the energy savings and the second is our "greening" efforts.

By |September 16th, 2008|Categories: Going Green, Spa Business|

I Was 20 When I Opened Complexions Spa

Opening Complexions Spa ... I Remember It As If It Were Yesterday My teen age son is going to be 16 years old soon and it's hard to believe that I was only 4 years older than he is when I opened my business. The kids today have such a different kind of work ethic. It's funny for me to see the 20 year olds of today and imagine if I were born later

By |August 26th, 2008|Categories: Spa Business|