
How Stress Can Impact Your Body

This should come as no surprise - stress is the number one reason people visit a spa! We generally use the word "stress" when we’re feeling overwhelmed and can’t cope with the pressures placed upon us. Life is full of near-constant triggers that we all must navigate, but are you aware of the effects of stress on your body and well-being? Have you noticed a dull, lingering ache in your neck or your head?

  • Neon Nails at Complexions Spa

Sizzle Through Summer With Neon Nails

Neon Nails - Shine Bright This Summer 'Tis the season to boast a bold nail lacquer and Complexions has just the fix you need to nail the trend right here in our selection of retail offerings. The Neon Revolution Collection by OPI features a set of four dazzlingly vibrant  brights, a white base coat, and a protective top coat. The white base coat included in the set serves as a color-intensifying backdrop to enhance the vivid

Complexions Spa Attends Eco-Luxe Media Event in NYC

I was especially glad to speak with Glamour Magazing, TreeHugger, Organic Spa Magazine, American Salon, Spa Magazine and several other national outlets. Given our own struggles with local-media attention, I think the rate at which American businesses adopt & implement eco-friendly, energy-efficient practices will depend more upon the quality and quantity of coverage from national outlets like those at Eco-Luxe.

How Laser Hair Removal (aka ‘Permanent Hair Reduction’) Works

After more than 14 years in the hair removal business, I'm happy to report that today's lasers offer a wonderful option for those looking to eliminate hair from unwanted areas with a lot less pain then electrolysis (which while permanent, can sometimes require 15-30 visits for best results). That said, we do not tell anyone that it will remove every single hair for ever and ever. Instead, we tell our clients that they may need a few touch up treatments annually. There are things such as hormones, age, pregnancy, stress and medications that can influence future hair growth. As always, each case is unique, so if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the spa.

The Javanese Lulur – An Acient Royal Bridal Ceremony Perfect for… Everyone!

I know you will enjoy this incredible experience and we are so pleased to be offering for you. This treatment is perfect for the bride-to-be, mother of the bride, and the bridal party. Perfect for couples for honeymoon, anniversary and romance. We invite you to experience the Javanese Lulur......A Royal Celebration of Love

Follow Up To Our LEED Certification

Just checked the LEED on line web page and the status of our project looks really good. Right now we have enough points approved to reach Gold Level! We are in line to be certified for New Construction. I can't tell you how happy I will be when this is officially awarded. As soon as it is made official, we will be the first NEW Construction Gold Level Spa in the Country! Wow! I