Acne and Acne Scarring Laser Treatments
SmoothBeam Laser Treatment
Now you can clear all types of acne without side effects, discomfort, photo-sensitivity or downtime. Complexion’s SmoothBeam Laser is an effective, FDA approved laser therapy specifically designed to treat acne by targeting overactive sebaceous glands in your skin, the root cause of acne. The SmoothBeam laser treatment for acne is also an effective treatment for acne scars, wrinkles and sebaceous hyperplasia. Typically, a reduction in acne can be seen even after the first treatment. Recommended in a series of 4-6 treatments.
How does acne laser treatment work?
Smoothbeam laser treatment also employs a patented LASR (TM-laser assisted skin renewal) process to safely target and heat collagen in the upper dermis, stimulating new collagen formation. New collagen can improve the appearance of atrophic acne scars by reducing the depth and softening the edges of the scar.
$450.00 each | 3 treatments for $1,200 | book now (Albany only)
Renew Your Skin with LASR™Treatment
Now there’s a way to freshen your skin’s appearance. Smoothbeam™ a revolutionary treatment with LASR (laser assisted skin renewal), stimulates the formation of new collagen for a renewed, revitalized look. With LASR, skin renewal treatments are quick and easy.
So don’t wait. Put your skin on a fitness plan.
Laser Treatment For Acne Before & After Photos
SmoothBeam FAQ
How does SmoothBeam Acne Laser therapy work?
Over 80% of your skin is made up of water. SmoothBeam emits a wavelength of light that is strongly absorbed by water in your skin. As the laser penetrates into the skin, heat is generated in and around the sebaceous glands in the upper layers of your skin. The heating of the sebaceous glands creates a mild thermal injury that changes the activity and function of the glands. Shortly after the first treatment, you will start to see a reduction in the number of acne lesions on your skin. These lesions do not reappear for as long as 6 months.
What will the laser treatment be like?
You and your certified laser technician will wear protective eye wear during your laser treatment. Your technician will use a small hand-piece to deliver the laser pulses to your skin. You will feel a probe touch your skin and deliver a small spray of coolant in conjunction with each laser pulse. This patented Dynamic Cooling Device system protects the upper layer of the skin during each laser pulse. Depending on the size of the treated area, sessions last anywhere from ten to twenty minutes.
How many treatments are needed?
After the first session, you will be seen for a follow-up evaluation. The number of subsequent treatments depends on the location and depth of acne scars, the severity of your acne, and the desired results. In most cases, 4 to 6 treatments may be required for best results. These treatments may be performed every three to five weeks.
Are there risks or side-effects?
Medical lasers such as the Smoothbeam have been safely used for more than 20 years to treat medical and cosmetic skin conditions. Most procedures have a low risk of side effects. More aggressive treatments may induce some temporary discoloration or reddening of the skin, however, the skin typically returns to normal pigmentation over a short period of time. This treatment can be performed on acne patients of all ages. You should avoid sun exposure for two weeks before and after the laser treatment.
Does the procedure hurt?
The Smoothbeam’s patented Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) technology protects the upper layers of your skin with a cooling burst of cryogen. A topical anesthetic cream is applied prior to the procedure in order to keep you comfortable during your treatment. With use of the anesthetic cream, most patients report the procedure to be mild with little more than a slight snapping or stinging sensation.
What do I need to do before treatment?
Your skin should be thoroughly cleaned to remove any makeup, creams or oils on its surface before the laser procedure. You should avoid sun exposure for two weeks before and after the laser treatment.
How should I care for my skin after treatment?
After laser treatment, you should avoid rigorous scrubbing of the treated area. Cleanse the treated area gently. Be sure to avoid sun exposure and use protection daily during the course of your treatments.
Learn More About Laser Treatments For Acne
- Current Laser Resurfacing Technologies – National Institutes of Health