Small business

Complexions Spa Attends Eco-Luxe Media Event in NYC

I was especially glad to speak with Glamour Magazing, TreeHugger, Organic Spa Magazine, American Salon, Spa Magazine and several other national outlets. Given our own struggles with local-media attention, I think the rate at which American businesses adopt & implement eco-friendly, energy-efficient practices will depend more upon the quality and quantity of coverage from national outlets like those at Eco-Luxe.

Gold LEED Certification For New Construction Is Official!

We Received Gold LEED Certification Yesterday we received notification from the US Green Building Council that we have been approved for Gold LEED certification for New Construction. We are so pleased. We will be receiving a beautiful plaque from USGBC which we will display in our reception area. We did do a search and found that we are the FIRST Gold LEED certified spa in the country for New Construction. This has been a

Follow Up To Our LEED Certification

Just checked the LEED on line web page and the status of our project looks really good. Right now we have enough points approved to reach Gold Level! We are in line to be certified for New Construction. I can't tell you how happy I will be when this is officially awarded. As soon as it is made official, we will be the first NEW Construction Gold Level Spa in the Country! Wow! I

How I Plan To Spend The Small-Business Tax Break President Obama Has Proposed To Congress

Image by stevegarfield via Flickr Recently, Paul Krugman wrote in response to President Elect Barack Obama's planned tax-breaks for small businesses that First, Mr. Obama should scrap his proposal for $150 billion in business tax cuts, which would do little to help the economy. Ideally he’d scrap the proposed $150 billion payroll tax cut as well, though I’m aware that it was a campaign promise. Dr. Krugman thinks that I'll just horde

Going Green Cutting Costs

Image via Wikipedia While it did cost a bit more money on the front-end to make Complexions Spa an energy efficient spa facility, it appears more and more likely with each passing month that our year-over-year energy savings will take care of the initial investment far sooner than originally forecast. And that's with oil being sold at less than $50 per-barrel. I really can't wait to reach that milestone because after that,

We Won A National Award For Our Energy Efficiency

Proud Of Our Energy Efficiency Image via Wikipedia We entered a contest sponsored by Energy Star this past June. We heard from them recently and learned we were selected as one of ten small business across the country to be recognized for their energy efficiency. We were the only small business in the spa industry to have won this award. It will be announced nationally throughout the media on September 16th. We