Custom Wellness Consultation
Allow the highly skilled beauty and wellness experts to curate a tailored facial rejuvenation program that seamlessly blends the most effective modalities for superior outcomes. Your dedicated aesthetician or medical professional will meticulously devise a personalized treatment plan based on your unique needs and goals. We firmly believe that true skin rejuvenation thrives on the synergy between your at-home skincare routine and our expert med spa services. In partnership, we will strive to achieve a beautiful, radiant complexion
Clinical Consultation $85.00 | book now
Visia Skin Analysis
We are pleased to offer a unique skin analysis consultation service using VISIA® – an advanced 3D digital imaging system. This scientific approach uses sophisticated technology to see beneath the skin’s surface. The results obtained will provide detailed information regarding UV photo damage, pores, bacteria, wrinkles, vascular health, textural variations, lash analysis, along with percentile scores which will provide the framework for creating a customized treatment program designed specifically for you and your desired results. We can even do side by side comparison images to show progress.from one treatment to the next. Our professional estheticians will work with you to design the most effective professional treatment program consisting of facials, peels and laser therapy where needed, along with the appropriate home care to maximize results and help you achieve your most beautiful skin.
Each consultation includes a personalized professional treatment program and skin care recommendations with introductory pricing on starter kits to get you on track to your skin care goals.
$125.00 | book now
All custom facial rejuvenation treatment programs include: