Proud Of Our Energy Efficiency
We entered a contest sponsored by Energy Star this past June. We heard from them recently and learned we were selected as one of ten small business across the country to be recognized for their energy efficiency. We were the only small business in the spa industry to have won this award. It will be announced nationally throughout the media on September 16th. We are very excited to receive this award. Just last night my husband and I listened to Barack Obama and I felt very proud to have completed this task especially after hearing him and Mr. Gore speak about Global Warming. Going Green has been a huge undertaking for my small business. Even working with NYSERDA and the US Green Building council, they are not set up to help the small business. If I didn’t have two family members who graciously worked on this project with me, this would not have been possible. My father has a long history, more than 40 years in commercial construction management and my brother is a structural engineer. Together with them we formed our own design team and researched almost every item ourselves. It was not easy and there were definitely times when we almost gave up. Going forward, with my experience I would like to help other small businesses to ” Go Green” . As I said to NYSERDA, there are many, many small business and together if we all made an effort, that would equate to a very big business with a major impact.