FruitSummer officially begins on June 21 and we’re welcoming the warm weather months by serving a healthy, new range of cool down refreshments in our Wellness Spa Lounge.


This summer we will kick-off the opening of our new Smoothie Bar with eight tempting flavors made from 100 percent real fruits and vegetables. Not only are these blended beverages simply irresistible, but they are also packed with enough superfood-punch to cure almost anything that ails you. From the standard berry-banana rendition to the veggie-full health food blend, when it comes to refreshing, wellness-infused elixirs, we’re bound to have just the right good-for-you drink to satisfy.

We know a healthy body doesn’t mean much without a healthy world to live in. At Complexions, we are committed to the belief that wellness is about more than just personal health — it also extends to the world around us. Which is why we make sure that all our products, from our produce-sourcing partnership to our 100 percent biodegradable cups, make a positive impact to enhance your life and our planet.