A Healthier And Happier Lifestyle Is Coming

I recently returned from the International Spa Conference in Austin, Texas. The theme of the conference was “simplicity” and getting back to the root of the spa industry. I attended classes for 5 days on business, trends, financials, managing and more. The one consistent topic that kept coming up was the current concerns with our health care system and how prevention needs to be a part of our future health care. Interesting to me was the simple fact that spas originated and have always had the ultimate goal of prevention and well being. So why isn’t everyone using a spa as part of a healthy lifestyle? It’s a huge misconception that a spa visit is nothing more than pampering and indulgence.

I had the privilege of hearing one of the key note speakers, Lance Armstrong, speak on his amazing story of beating cancer and choosing to take the challenge of spreading the word of living strong and leading a healthy lifestyle. He has an incredible story and it’s even more amazing that he accomplished winning all the Tour de France races after he beat cancer. Part of his recovery included massage therapy and today he still receives over 200 massages annually for endurance, performance and still recovery.

When I came home and thought about what I wanted to share with our employees, our customers, and community it was to challenge us all to CHOOSE to live a healthier lifestyle. To take control of our own health and future lives. Make a visit to a spa part of your healthy lifestyle and experience the true benefits of a spa visit. Spas were used for preventative and curative purposes. They were never thought of as a luxury. In fact it is believed that the work “SPA” is an acronym for “sanitas per aquam”, the Latin words for “health through water”. To further support this, ISpa went so far as to conduct a medical study which can be viewed on their website, that proves the point that a spa visit has the ability to lower heart rate, boost immunity, diminish depression, improve circulation, be used for pain relief, make people happier and much more.
This is the time to come in and experience the difference with a visit to our spa…Enjoy a massage, a mani-kur, a pedi-kur, or even a facial. All of our services have always had a focus on well being. Additionally our services include use of our steam room and sauna, used properly boosts the immune system. A cup of our organic tea, specifically blended on principles of Ayurveda(traditional Indian medicine) and is designed to promote relaxation. De-stress in the serenity relaxation lounge where you can slow down, and eliminate the stress of the day, (stress is responsible for 86% of diseases), and properly prepare for your treatment.
Live well, live strong, and prevention is our path to a healthier, longer, happier life.

I quote another speaker at the conference Bertice Berry Ph.D. “To walk with purpose is to collide with destiny…”

Choose to make your day a healthy, happier day.