Looking for a Custom Weight Loss Program to Take Things a Bit Further?
Our “Weight Wellness” Program was designed to boost your weight loss efforts by coupling some of the best, most innovative, FDA-approved treatments to maximize weight loss while also providing you nutrition and metabolic support. Not only will you look and feel better, additional benefits can include increased energy levels, improved sleep quality, and increased muscle mass.
Program Includes:
- Initial Dr Consultation and follow ups
- 6 Infrared Detox Treatments
- 12 Weeks of MICC Fat Burner Injections with RN + at-home daily boosters
- Nutrition Consultation
- Vent Fitness Consultation
- Monthly educational support sessions
Living at a comfortable weight takes more than quick fads – it’s a lifestyle approach! We will be with you every step of the way to help personally support you.
3 month program | $500 per month